This site has been set up and created by two passionate UK registered Paramedics who gained their Advanced Care Paramedic Licences in British Columbia in 2016 and 2017.
We understand the challenges of an international move and felt that we can provide support and knowledge to others who are wanting to embark on the same journey.

Richard Armour – BParamedPrac, MCPara, MANZCP Follow @richardarmour99
Richard completed his undergraduate education in Australia before working for the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust for over 2 years. He is now an Advanced Care Paramedic with the British Columbia Emergency Health Services, and has an understanding of the requirements of Australian and British applicants.
Tweets by richardarmour99

Leon Baranowski – MSc, MEd, DipHe, FHEA, MCPara Follow @LeonBaranowski
Leon is a UK Paramedic and BC ACP with 14 years experience. He has been involved in education both in the UK and British Columbia and understands the requirements needed for a successful transfer of your licence and credentials to Canada.
This site is being run, hosted and developed by us both, as we can support others on their journey and to improve the experience of moving to BC and Canada as a Paramedic. If you have found this site useful and helpful in any way, please consider a small donation to enable upkeep and hosting of this site for the benefit of other. It would be greatly appreciated. #payitforwards