NOCP Self Assessment Tool
This self-assessment tool is based on a 2011 National Occupational Competency Profile (NOCP) for Paramedics working in Canada. These competencies provide a common way to describe paramedic practice requirements in most Canadian provinces. The NOCP describes 8 general competency areas as follows:
The 8 areas are further broken down into more specific competencies and sub-competencies. As you complete the self-assessment document, you will be asked to compare your current knowledge, skills, and judgement to the requirements of the specific registration/license/certification level you are seeking.
Each specific competency also describes a Performance Environment (PE). The Performance Environment is the setting where the competency must have been demonstrated (i.e. simulated environment or on a real patient). The Performance Environment requirement will also tell you whether or not the competency must be verified by an instructor in that area.
To begin your Self Assessment, click on each link from the 8 listed NOCP Compentencies above. This will take you to a Self Assessment Tool, that compares your current skill set to the requirements of each paramedic skill set, within Canada.
Each time you complete each of the Self Assessment Tools, you will recieve a copy of your results, which is required when putting in your application to apply for work as a Paramedic in Canada.